Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt. 10

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day, November 2008

In this 10-part series, "Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation", readers were taken through the many ways in which Barack Obama has been working to greatly expand the authority and control of the Federal government, while undermining the Founding principles which made this country great. Here is a recap of the last nine parts:
In Part 1 of the "Fundamental Transformation" series, I spoke about healthcare, and the intent to scrap the system and rebuild it, via Obamacare (2700 page bill and 20,000 pages of new regulations); all of it designed to redistribute the wealth and move us into a single payer, government-controlled health plan. Common Core, the nationalizing of education standards and curriculum, and the collection of student data, illustrates the overstepping role of the Federal government. Immigration reform is currently being debated; the administration is looking to grant amnesty for illegals to secure a future voting bloc, while failing to secure the borders. 

Part 2  deals with the First Amendment and how our freedoms in that Amendment are routinely being trampled on by this administration. 

Part 3  The politics of division is the subject here. This speaks to the division by class, race, gender and political beliefs, as accelerated and  promoted by this President and his administration.

Part 4  Aspects of the economy are addressed in this part of the series - redistribution, government dependency, unemployment, the shrinking middle class, national debt and minimum wage. When looking at the big picture, it's easy to see that the economy is not growing, and will not grow under this administration...but then, of course, it's not supposed to.

Part 5 Our foreign policy and our military are at very weak points now - this post delineates some reasons why.

Part 6 Besides the First Amendment being trampled on, as discussed in the second part of the series, here are examples of how our Second, Fourth and Tenth Amendments are being ignored as well. From gun rights, to privacy rights to states rights, our freedoms are not being protected by this government.

Part 7 Environmental and energy policies are being crafted to extend control over businesses and private citizens, whether further regulations and taxes are factually necessary or not. Another means with which to redistribute the wealth and grow the Federal government.

Part 8 takes a look into the how of Obama; through the tactics of Saul Alinsky and the strategies of Cloward and Piven, we see how his vision of revolution is happening in front of us.

Part 9 deals with the why of Obama. Once we take a look into the life of Obama and his influences throughout, we learn why he's executing his Presidency the way he is.

To many Americans, Obama's style of governing is puzzling. He is constantly dividing our country's citizens on every level; by class, gender, race, ideology. His enemies are not found in oppressive regimes, rather they are his political opponents and the conservative electorate. He has created an atmosphere of intimidation in his administration to squelch opposing views. He appears to have contempt for the wealthy, yet he freely takes their money to fuel his campaigns. He has consistently defied the Constitution by ignoring laws on the books he doesn't like, or, bypassing Congress to change existing laws, or, signing executive orders to get things done as he sees fit.  He continues to grow the Federal government via bureaucracies, regulations, taxes and spending. He is presiding over the transformation of institutions such as health care, education, marriage, and the military. His policies on the economy, the environment and energy seek to primarily control lives and redistribute wealth. He encourages government dependency and seeks to amass power from an ever increasing welfare state, knowing that the people who depend on the government will vote for those who are providing for them. 

We've heard the argument that this President is incompetent and bungling things. On the other hand, we've heard for years now how smart, even brilliant, this man is. You can't have it both ways.  He's either smart or incompetent. I say, he's smart. His 'bungling' is not bungling at all. It's deliberative. He is accomplishing exactly what he set out to do. He's trying to collapse the system so that he can rebuild it as he sees fit. He is reducing American power around the globe, dismantling friendly alliances, and allowing unfriendly and dangerous governments to become emboldened and powerful. Why? Because he believes that the United States of America is an oppressive colonial power which uses up much of the world's resources and exerts too much influence upon other nations. We have no business being exceptional, he believes. And he has been working to level the playing field, both domestically and internationally for over five years now.

I am sorry to say, he is accomplishing his objectives. For those who saw this coming in 2008, it is our nightmare scenario happening before our eyes. For those who may be awakening to this reality, it's time to help and turn this ship around. We can all do our part to become part of the solution. First it starts with getting educated (and educating our children) about our Founding documents and why it's important for this country to preserve and stay true to its principles. Then, staying informed about the news and political landscape (an uninformed public is a dangerous one); there are numerous websites you can explore to get information (that is, before we lose control of the internet to Russia or China as is the debate now - more in a future post). Engaging can be as simple as signing petitions or making phonecalls during election time. It can be donating to campaigns of liberty-minded people. It can be writing blogs, and using social media to re-tweet blogs (like this one!) and articles, posting important news links on Facebook, and talking to people to make them aware. Step it up to attend Tea Party meetings, or any of the other patriot groups that exist. And, if you're so inclined, run for elected office - we need good people to get involved in the community - school board, town and county offices...remember, all politics start at the local level. 

America is on the brink. Our exceptional Founding principles of  limited government, individual liberty, inalienable rights, free market capitalism, and strong national defense are fading. Let's not let that happen. Let's not allow Barack Obama to fundamentally transform this nation anymore!

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