Friday, November 22, 2013

Remembering JFK...The Conservative?

Today marks the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination. As we look at old footage of Kennedy's speeches, it becomes striking just how much he sounded like a conservative.  According to Ira Stoll, author of "JFK, Conservative" this seems very much the case, despite the fact that the image of him is that of a liberal Democrat.

In an interview with Glenn Beck, Stoll cites principles that Kennedy stood for which resembles that of a present day Tea Party conservative. Kennedy called for lowering taxes, for balancing the budget, fighting for freedom, and winning the cold war against the Soviet Union. He was for the death penalty, free trade, and a strong military. He believed in peace through strength by increasing military spending to put pressure on the Soviet Union - ideas that Ronald Reagan adopted during his tenure. Kennedy fought against corrupt labor unions, warned against atheism, quoted scripture in his speeches, and appointed the Supreme Court justice who wrote the dissent on Roe v Wade. He was often very outspoken against Communism, and he saw the necessity to continue nuclear testing. He sent in more troops to Vietnam.

This claim that he was a conservative, of course, would seem unbelievable to those on the left who always thought he was one of their own. After all, JFK is a liberal can that be? Stoll claims that two of Kennedy's close aids,  Ted Sorenson and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., were themselves very liberal. Since their books were influential on the subject of John Kennedy, they had a part in creating that perception, maybe, he says, as part of wishful thinking...maybe, they wanted others to remember him as more liberal than he actually was.

However, the facts didn't bear that out. One of the ways they helped create that perception, was that in their books, they edited out some of the more hawkish lines from his speeches. For example, in the American University speech, which some say was his most dovish speech, Kennedy talked about a limited nuclear test ban treaty. But he also said 'Communism was repugnant for its negation of  the rights of the individual against the State' and that 'the Soviets were to blame for the Cold War'.  In both books, these lines were edited out. When Kennedy spoke in Berlin, he also railed against Communism  and said 'anyone who thinks we can work with the Communists, let them come to Berlin'. However, in both books, the authors changed the chronology of these two speeches. They said the Berlin speech came first and then the American University speech.  Apparently, they both wanted to make him appear as though he became more dovish as time went on, as though he was becoming more of a peacenik.  Yet, supporting this claim that Kennedy was more conservative, Schlesinger admitted that liberals were disappointed when Kennedy made free trade a priority over medicare and increased aid to education. In fact, JFK supported cuts on tariffs for imports and associated himself with the tax rebellions of the old Boston Tea party.

Even by the standards of his times, JFK was considered conservative, as compared with a Rockefeller liberal. As Stoll asserts, with the assassination, came the end of the Conservative wing of the Democrat party. Conservatives then moved into the Republican party, and eventually, to the more conservative Tea Party wing.

Needless to say, Ira Stoll is getting a lot of heat by the political left for his assertion that John Kennedy was really a conservative. No surprise, John F. Kennedy was a hero to many, but an icon to the left.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt.3

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day, 2008

CLASS WARFARE - This has become a centerpiece of Obama's rhetoric since he started campaigning in 2007. Incorporated into many of his speeches have been attacks on the rich; relentless calls to raise taxes on the 'millionaires and billionaires' (which became his mantra as the target of his reform) and to insist that they 'pay their fair share', to spread the wealth around through punishing new laws (one prime example being Obamacare), demonizing corporations in all industries (while readily accepting their campaign donations), strangling businesses with thousands of new restrictive laws and more taxes and fees, working closely with unions and its interests (in exchange for bringing out the vote). And when the Occupy Wall Street Movement took hold, the theme was anti-wealth, as it brought out resentment against the 1% who make big money. Obama supported this movement even while it was turning violent and lawless. Class warfare has been an important theme for this president.

For nowhere in his lexicon is the acknowledgement that the top 10% of earners pay 70% of all federal taxes. That it's the rich who provide jobs by launching businesses and expanding businesses. That it's the rich who invest money. That it's the rich who buy goods and services. That it's the rich who underwrite charities.
Who could forget the now infamous quotes from the President: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Or, "I do think at a certain point, you've made enough money." Or, "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."  Tenets of capitalism? I think not.

RACIAL DIVISION - Barack Obama's skin color was and still is an asset for him. He was elected   with a very thin resume, no experience in the private sector and very little experience in the public sector. But, Americans felt they were ready for the nation's first black president. And since that day, the 'race card' is drawn consistently. Barely a day goes by when some Republican/Conservative isn't accused of being racist because he/she dares to criticize this president or his policies. While the detractors are judging him by his character, not the color of his skin, the left insists that it's his skin color that's most important, and the cause of the detraction. Forget that the political ideology is far left and very different, and that members of a party are usually at odds politically with the other party. The left sees race everywhere. And that includes the President himself.  Obama plays into it by inserting himself into cases such as the Boston police 'acting stupidly' with the black Harvard professor; or the Trayvon Martin case where 'Trayvon could've been his son'.  This negative racial division has set the tone for the rest of the country, and charges of racism are rampant. Evidence of this can be seen in a recent survey conducted by NBC and Wall St. Journal, in which negative views on race relations has substantially increased; in fact, the numbers have doubled for whites and for blacks since 2009.
The question is, why does he want to divide this country racially, especially when he campaigned on the opposite ideal of a post-racial America?

WAR ON WOMEN - When Sandra Fluke, and her fight to include insurance coverage for contraception at a Jesuit university, made her appearance during the last campaign, it was apparent this was no coincidence.  She was firmly planted in the Democrats' strategy to perpetuate a phony Republican war on women. When out of the blue, Mitt Romney was asked about contraception during a debate, he quizzically asked, "is there a problem with women obtaining contraception?" That was the foreshadowing moment in which this was introduced to the public as an important controversy where none existed. Naturally, Obama inserted himself into this division as well, when he famously called Fluke on the phone to express his support for her speaking out on this matter and used it as an opportunity to slam Rush Limbaugh for some insulting comments he made about her. Fluke, of course, became the face of women during the campaign (as intended) to inform women that the evil Republicans don't want them to have access to birth control.
Equally as foreboding was when the question about equal pay for equal work came up in the presidential debates. Once again, a phony issue as led by the Obama administration who pushed for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was based on faulty statistics about men's vs. women's salaries. And, once again, the hypocrisy was blatant - for all the hysteria about unequal salaries, the White House pays their female employees 18% less than their male counterparts.

POLITICAL DIVISIONS - Although partisan politics has been around since the very origins of political parties, never has it seemed so hostile as when Obama took office.  We know he spoke of uniting these political lines by saying "there is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America", we found out it was merely campaign rhetoric. For since he took office, the hostility towards Republicans has been palpable. And his endless slams on conservative groups such as the Tea Party, by calling them names like terrorists and tea baggers, only served to divide us even more.

So, why all the division? Despite the flowery rhetoric about how we need to be united, about how we should all be purple states, his rhetoric, when he gets down to business, often results in separating us further.  The culture of hostility that this man propagates is beyond the usual politics in Washington. Not in my lifetime has a president gone so far to divide a country in so many ways. What does Barack Obama stand to gain by dividing Americans by race, by gender, by political ideology, and by economic status? He gains a weaker America, one that is besieged by social unrest, class resentment, hatred, and anger towards those who speak and think differently.  Are we witnessing an America that's more hostile than ever from within? I suppose that's part of his fundamental transformation.

Still more ways in which this country is being transformed, coming up in future posts.
I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt. 2

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day, 2008

Barack Obama's fundamental transformation of the United States of America includes an assault on our Constitution; several amendments have been the object of challenge and attack in the past few years. This post will focus on the First Amendment, which has been under threat in so many ways.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH -  Since the beginning of his presidency, it was apparent that Obama wanted to stifle the speech of those who disagreed with him. He singled out radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and he called out Fox News as a network which didn't support him. During the last few years, we have further seen the attempted suppression of speech, whether it was the IRS intimidating Tea Party members, witnesses in the Benghazi case who were told not to speak up, or whistleblowers at the NSA threatened with their livelihoods.

The latest example is the White House telling insurance company executives to shut up about why their companies are cancelling policies despite Obama promising Americans they could keep their plan; the simple fact is that due to Obamacare's new mandates and regulations imposed on the companies, it makes it impossible for them to continue to offer the same plans they had been providing.  According to a report by CNN, "insurance executives are being told to keep quiet...they feel defenseless against the White House PR team...the White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade organizations, to keep quiet.  The sources are telling us they fear White House retribution."

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - This administration's effort to control the press came to public light when we found out the Justice Dept. had seized phone records from the Associated Press and that one of the Fox News reporters had emails and phone calls hacked into by the government.  In an investigation by an advocacy group called The Committee to Protect Journalists, it was revealed that the tactics of the Obama administration "include unprecedented use of the Espionage Act in prosecuting media leaks, classifying government documents as secret when no harm could come from their release, increased government surveillance that jeopardizes the safety of news sources, Freedom of Information Act violations, and White House-produced content that can't substitute for independent, accountability journalism."
"AP executive editor Kathleen Carroll said in a statement that the the Committee to Protect Journalists report "highlights the growing threats to independent journalism in the United States, a country that has for two centuries upheld press freedom as a measure of a democratic society."
Even the chief Washington correspondent for the very supportive New York Times said, "this is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered."
This administration has tried stifling conservative talk radio via resurrecting the "fairness doctrine" which requires both viewpoints in every broadcast, they proposed "diversity" in radio station ownership, which would cut into conservative talk; and they introduced "net neutrality" in an attempt to control internet content.
This year, the FCC is conducting a study which will require all news agencies to inform the government which stories are being covered, if there is a diversity of views, if people are being 'properly' informed about the environment and other topics important to the government.  They will start defining and regulating what are 'critical information needs' and this, will no doubt lead to a loss of freedoms, as the government intrudes into the broadcast and print media to determine which stories should be covered and how.

FREEDOM OF RELIGION - During the reign of this president, there has been quite an extensive movement to clamp down on religious expression in many facets of our society. In many hostile acts towards religion, Christians and Jews have been faced with having to defend their rights to religious conscience. One very egregious and obvious example has been that of Obamacare, which will not protect freedom of conscience when it forces religious institutions to provide health insurance that includes coverage for contraception, sterilization and abortions.  There are many, many examples of the diminution of religious expression in the military.  According to Rep. John Fleming of LA, "The bottom line is the military is bending over backwards to remove – even in the case of chaplains – expressions of faith and conscience."  "Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, called the Obama Administration's edict a 'chilling suppression of religious freedom.'"

Even in his speeches, Obama reveals his agenda with religion: he omits Creator when quoting the Declaration of Independence, he omits God from his Thanksgiving speech, he was the first president to include non-believers in his inaugural address, at the (Jesuit) Georgetown University he asked that all symbols and signage behind the stage be covered when he spoke there. The list goes on and on and on.  The Wallbuilders website features a listing of all the actions taken by this administration regarding its Judeo-Christian views. The list is long and stunning.

While his Judeo-Christian politics are evident, apparently his pro-Islamic politics are evident as well. In 2010, Obama required that all government documents be rewritten to eliminate any references to jihad, terrorists, radical Islam and anything that may be deemed offensive to Muslims. While he will not host a National Day of Prayer at the White House, he will host White House dinners in honor of Ramadan. At one point during his reign, Obama's Muslim advisers blocked access of Middle Eastern Christians to the White House. And, his silence over the persecution of Christians around the Middle East has been deafening.  Also, it has been well documented that Muslim Brotherhood operatives (the umbrella group which includes several radical Islamic groups) are working in our government and looking to infiltrate all levels. 

Since Obama took office there have been several attempts to control our freedoms, basic freedoms which are foundational to this country. In future posts we will witness many other ways in which this President and his administration are fulfilling his promise of fundamental transformation.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama: International Treaties Should Trump Constitution

In an attempt to circumvent Congress when deemed necessary, the Obama administration is arguing for international treaties to trump our very own Constitution.

Senator Ted Cruz, former law clerk under former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, warns this is a dangerous argument - the Constitution gives enumerated powers to the government, and allowing the government to invoke international treaties as a basis for policies would conflict with our fundamental laws, Cruz told the Washington Examiner. We already know this administration is trying to undermine the Second Amendment by trying to push through the Small Arms Treaty in the Senate, which would essentially disarm our citizenry. (see post titled "Armed With the Facts").

Once again, our President, as one who studied Constitutional law, has learned what he needs to do to govern without it. So much for his sworn oath to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution.