Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rudy's Opinion: Not Baseless

When former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani said he doesn't think Obama loves this country, he expressed a personal opinion, and for that, endured swift backlash from the Left. The Right, however, was grateful that someone was finally giving voice to something they believed for several years. For those who condemn him for his opinion, let's look at the evidence which supports that opinion.

1) RG: "He wasn't brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country."

FACT: Obama was brought up with atypical influences (for an American) in his life; family members as communists, biological father and stepfather both Muslim, and life in a predominantly Muslim country in Asia.  Obama spent several years of his childhood in Indonesia until moving back to Hawaii at the age of 10. Although Hawaii is an American state, living on the Pacific island does not offer the same lifestyle as does small town USA or even big city USA on the mainland.

2) RG: "...from all that I can see of this president, all that I've heard of him, he apologizes for America, he criticizes America.

FACT: Obama started publicly criticizing America on foreign soil early on in his presidency. During the now infamous 'apology tour' of Europe in 2009, he said in France, "there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."  In Turkey, he said, "The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history...Our country still struggles with the legacies of slavery and segregation, the past treatment of Native Americans." In an interview with Al-Arabiya he stated, "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect."  
These are just a few of the statements he has made which express his disappointment with America.

3) RG: "He talks about the crusades and how the Christians were barbarians, leaves out the second half of the sentence that the Muslims were barbarians also."

FACT: So as not to link Islam with more violence than other religions, Obama tried to draw an equivalency between the Christian violence during the crusades (leaving out the fact that Muslims were involved in it too) and the current Islamic violence, (though not naming current violence as Islamic related). "…lest we get on our high horse…for their own murderous ends…this is not unique to one group or one religion.  There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith."

4) RG: "He sees Christians slaughtered and doesn't stand up and hold a press conference although he holds a press conference for the situation in Ferguson."

FACT:  For the last few years Christians in the Middle East have been slaughtered, churches have been burned, and Obama has been virtually silent on the subject. It is only recently he has made statements condemning the acts.

5) RG: "He sees Jews being killed for anti-Semitic reasons. He doesn't stand up and hold a press conference. This is an American president I've never seen before."

FACT:  "...entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you've got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris."  No acknowlegement here of Muslims targeting Jews - simply a random shooting of some folks.

6) RG: "I'm not condemning his patriotism -- patriots can -- can criticize. They're allowed to criticize. I don't hear from him what I heard from Harry Truman, what I heard from Bill Clinton, what I heard from Jimmy Carter, which is these wonderful words about what a great country we are, what an exceptional country we are. When he called us an exceptional country, he said we're an exceptional country, but so is Greece."

FACT:  "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."  Barack Obama 2009

7) RG: "I don't feel this love of America. I think this man was -- when I talked about his background, I'm talking about a man who grew up under the influence of Frank Marshall Davis who was a member of the communist party who he refers to over and over in his book, who was a tremendous critic of the United States."

FACT: During his adolescence, Frank Marshall Davis was a mentor to Obama, introduced by Obama's grandfather looking for a father figure for his grandson. Davis was a well-known communist who was under the surveillance of the FBI for 19 years.

8) RG: "This is a man who worked on Saul Alinsky who was a tremendous critic of the United States. I believe his initial approach is to criticize this country and then afterwards to say a few nice things about us."

FACT: Obama has been strongly influenced by radical liberal activist Saul Alinsky, author of "Rules for Radicals." Obama has used this book to teach students Alinsky's methods of community organizing which illustrates how the 'have-nots' in our society can overthrow the 'haves' and take away their power.

9) RG: "... how about being in a church of 17 years where the minister of the church says, "it's not God loves America but God damn America." Now, if you were in that church, wouldn't you quit that church?" (speaking with Megyn Kelly).

FACT: Obama was a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years, headed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached Black Liberation Theology, a race-based theology which emphasizes white racism and white oppression, and encourages a victim mentality among blacks. Black Liberation theologians have explicitly stated a preference for Marxism.

10) RG: I was in Europe a lot this summer and this fall. And all I heard about is the bigoted American Police Departments and I never heard the president of the United States defend the policemen of America, 800,000 of which put their lives on the line for us."

FACT: Examples: In 2009, before all the facts were in, Obama inserted himself into a case between a policeman and a black Harvard professor and announced, "the police acted stupidly."  Soon after a grand jury decided not to indict a white police officer in the death of Eric Garner, Obama said, “bad training” and a “fear of folks who look different” in a small number of police departments across the U.S. have contributed to the ongoing mistrust between law enforcement and minority communities." Regarding the Ferguson case he said, "... need to accept that this decision was the grand jury’s to make. There are Americans who agree with it, and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It’s an understandable reaction"... despite a grand jury fully examining the evidence of the case and reaching an objective decision that Wilson was not racially profiling Michael Brown.

11) RG: "I think that is a perfectly reasonable opinion. But the president and his comments if we look at all his rhetoric has not displayed the kind of love of America, the kind of love of American exceptionalism that other American presidents have displayed. That he has gone abroad and criticized us over and over again, apologized for us. Every time he does it, it embarrasses me."

FACT: Rudy Giuliani is entitled to his opinion. As you can see, these are not empty words, there is evidence to support why he says what he says.

One doesn't want to fundamentally transform that which one loves..."We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of Ameria." Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day 2008.

Friday, February 20, 2015

In Denial

Barack Hussein Obama is in denial. He is in denial over Islamic terrorism. After a 3-day conference hosted by the White House on 'violent extremism' he still will not admit that the overwhelming violence against innocent Christians, Jews and other Muslims, is emanating from fundamental Islamists. Denial. In fact, this symposium was about extremism in all forms, not simply the Islamic extremism grabbing international headlines almost on a daily basis. Denial. His refusal to name the enemy has been ongoing and my blog post of 1/9/15 addresses that.

Obama did, however, go out of his way to talk about the three young Muslims in North Carolina who were recently murdered (although at this point there is zero evidence they were killed for their religion), and once again, reminded Americans to have tolerance for other religions. He made claims that people from all religions are killing people from all other religions. Denial. This is not honest. It is not true. And this is from the same man who insisted that the Ft. Hood shooting of over a dozen people committed in the name of Allah was merely workplace violence, and that the Jews killed in a kosher supermarket were just some folks who were randomly shot. When Christians around the world are beheaded or burned, when Jews are targeted and killed, when other Muslims who are not the 'right' branch of Islam, are murdered, and when children too, are beheaded and brutalized in other unspeakable ways, Barack Obama will still not blame Islam. Denial. He will deny that Islam has anything to do with it. And yet, listen to the fundamentalists and they will readily announce it has everything to do with their belief in Islam and that they are committing these acts in the name of Allah.

In his speech at the 'extremist' summit, Obama once again, did what he's been doing since he took office...he bent over backwards to stand up for Muslims to protect them from any potential backlash. (To date, this backlash in America has not materialized). And he thinks nothing of revising our history. "Muslims have been woven into the fabric of our country since its Founding," he stated. Exactly where, President Obama, did you learn that?

So, it begs the question. What is it, Barack Hussein Obama, that won't allow you to blame Islam at all for the atrocities being committed around the world? Why, Mr. Obama, are you in such denial?

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Climate Theory Scandal...AGAIN?!

President Obama has stated several times that he thinks climate change is the biggest threat to our nation. Even more so than the global jihad currently being waged on the 'infidels'. In fact, it's such distorted thinking, that he won't even acknowledge the barbarity taking place as having anything to do with Islam. But I digress.

There are many things these days which illustrate this 'down is up, up is down' world and one example is, as it turns out, the 'flat-earthers' (as labelled by the Left) are the ones paying attention to the science of global warming, and that the 'alarmists' (as labelled by the Right) are actually the science deniers! Confusing, but here's why.

Did you know that the Earth has not shown any warming since 1997, exactly 219 months, and that time period reflects more than half the 432 month satellite record? Did you know that global warming as predicted by the IPCC has just stopped? Were you one of those who believed the science was settled and any skepticism of global warming was baseless and belonged to the 'flat-earthers'?

How many of you have heard the news that global warming data has been 'adjusted' (again) to show that the earth has warmed much more than the data actually indicates? Once again, scandalous information has emerged to contradict theories of global warming. Does the liberal media tell you any of this or do they choose to ignore it, since it doesn't advance their progressive agenda? This isn't the first scandal to arise on the subject - you may recall in 2009 there were thousands of emails among climate scientists that were leaked, revealing that data was being fudged to support a warming thesis. My blog post of Sept. 2013 addressed that.

Christopher Booker, writing for The Telegraph, claims "one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines", referring to information he read about massive tampering with temperatures.
"How have we come to be told that global temperatures have suddenly taken a great leap upwards to their highest level in 1,000 years? In fact, it has been no greater than their upward leaps between 1860 and 1880, and 1910 and 1940, as part of that gradual natural warming since the world emerged from its centuries-long "Little Ice Age" around 200 years ago.
This belief has rested entirely on five official data records. Three of these are based on measurements taken on the Earth's surface, versions of which are then compiled by Giss, by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and by the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit working with the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction, part of the UK Met Office. The other two records are derived from measurements made by satellites, and then compiled by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) in California and the University of Alambama, Huntsville (UAH)."
Matt Walsh, writer for, responds to a reader who insisted that Walsh set science deniers straight. Highly recommended reading if you too are frustrated with the environmental doomsayers.

So, just how does one reconcile the fact that the earth seems to be in a cooling trend and that the hot-air scaremongers like Al Gore and his followers simply cannot point to warming? (Btw, polar bears are not dying out, polar ice caps are not melting, and much more). Well, for one, you re-package it and call it climate change. Now, who can argue with the fact that the climate is changing? That's, after all, what climate does and has been doing since time began. 

Seems like global warming-turned-climate change is going the way of global cooling and any other environmentalist's crisis over the past several decades. But don't expect the liberal media to tell you the truth. The science, for them, is settled.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Hands Off Our Internet!

Under the guise of preserving the internet for free enterprise and free expression, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is moving to regulate the internet by reclassifying it as a public utility. The more than 300 pages of new regulations will affect every aspect of the internet for both business and personal usage.

Although the FCC is supposed to be an independent agency, Wisconsin Sen. Johnson is concerned about the influence the White House may be having on policy making. Republican FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai aired his concerns at a press conference, stating that the proposal includes heavy-handed regulations.

"President Obama's plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet. It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the internet works. The plan explicity opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband...These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay."

Additionally, according to Commissioner Pai, Americans will have fewer broadband choices, as it will slow network speed and expansion, reduce Internet service provider competition and encroach on small businesses with burdensome regulations which will push them out of the market.

The FCC is being accused of catering to Obama's proposals which he put forth last year.

Additionally, the Democrat faction of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) voted last week on whether to limit and regulate political speech on the Internet from sources such as YouTube, blogs and websites like TheDrudgeReport. The vote split down party lines, with 3 Democrats voting for the proposal, and 3 Republicans voting against. FEC Vice Chair Ann Ravel promises to push for new provisions next year, a clear reversal for the FEC which has always protected online political speech.

Between the FCC and the FEC, these threats to have a government controlled Internet will undoubtedly have  a major impact on the daily lives of consumers, both personally and commercially. The administration's desire to levy more taxes, limit choices, impose new regulations will take a once free and open means of communication and enterprise, and hand it over to fascistic bureacrats. And, this administration's desire to closely monitor free speech will surely challenge our First Amendment rights.

Under the cloak of secrecy, the plan will not be made public until after the Commission has voted on it on February 26th. But we don't have to sit and take it. Here are a few websites you can go to for taking action - sign a a petition, make phonecalls, email your representatives. Don't let the government limit our freedoms!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pure Evil

What can one say about group of people who are so inhumane that they can take another human being, put him in a cage, set him on fire and burn him alive for all the world to see?

When Jordanian pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh became a prisoner of ISIS, the radical Muslim jihadist group, he became the victim of another especially brutal and barbaric execution. ISIS departed from their usual beheadings and forms of torture, and instead went for something more spectacular for the media.  They taped his fiery execution from beginning to end, and produced a film complete with music and sound effects. This was to become a propaganda piece for the movement and a 'recruiting tool.'

It's the devil incarnate. The darkest side of humanity. Evil pure and simple. The barbarism of the Dark Ages rearing its ugly head in the 21st century.

Jordan's King Abdullah swiftly responded with the execution of two Islamist prisoners and has vowed to further respond with "an earth-shaking response" against the Islamic State. To date, ISIS has taken over large areas of Iraq and Syria, and are threatening more, as they continue on their mission to establish a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

Unfortunately, as usual, the U.S. president offered a tepid response. Although he promised to double the efforts in fighting ISIS (to date we've had little impact on their expansion) he did so with a nonchalance that was not befitting of the situation. (In fact, he's had much more fire in his belly when going after Republicans.)

If there is to be a light at the end of this story, it's that Jordan's King is prepared to fight these extremists until they are no more. "We are waging this war to protect our faith, our values and human principles and our war for their sake will be relentless and will hit them in their own ground." This evil must be defeated.