Monday, October 28, 2013

I Smell a Rat

I smell a rat. In fact, I smell a few rats.

Rat #1: The administration supposedly spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the Obamacare website and they had 3 years to prepare for it. First of all, that's an inordinate amount of money for a website, plenty of time to work out kinks, and yet, this costly website is not working. Why? This doesn't make sense. Now they say they're bringing in tech savvy people to fix it? Well, who the heck was putting this website together if not tech savvy people? What's really going on?  Was this supposed to not work smoothly? I must raise this question, since this administration, by design, tends to do the opposite of what one would expect. So, my question is, what's the reason for the launch problems?

Rat #2: Anyone who does manage to access the website must first input much personal information before even finding out what their options are and what they cost. If then, the person chooses not to enroll, the personal information remains and cannot get deleted. So, my question is, why can't a person shop around for the health care options before registering their personal data?

Rat #3: At this point, millions of people are getting letters from their insurance companies that their coverage is getting cancelled or their premiums are getting raised, sometimes doubled or tripled. Sometimes, the premiums are decreasing, but the deductible amount is skyrocketing. This, of course, contradicts the you-can-keep-your-insurance-if-you-like-it and it-will-save-you-money mantra. They are finding out that their doctors will not necessarily be in their network...not you-can-keep-your-doctor-period.  These are just a few of the points Obama emphatically and unequivocally made many, many times over when he spent a year trying to sell this plan to the country. So, my question is, how does this man so blatantly and easily lie to the American people? And if he lies this boldly, what else is he lying about?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt. 1

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." 
 Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day 2008

The progressive agenda, incrementally moving forward for the past hundred years, and now led by Barack Obama, the most far left president in this nation's history, is now quickly coming to fruition.   Since Obama's reign we have watched the federal government takeover of our health care system, education, and student loans. We watch still as our country is deliberately being divided in so many ways - by class, by race, by gender, by political party. We watch as our freedoms are diminishing - religious expression, speech, privacy. We watch as our economy has been suffering and continues to suffer with insurmountable debt and high unemployment. We watch as our standing in the world is weaker and smaller. The one promise this president is keeping is his fundamental transformation of America.

HEALTH CARE SYSTEM - The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, as a government-centric law, is a major move towards a single payer system, or socialized medicine.  Obama and the left could call it what they want, but the control over the country's health care system is nothing less than that; once the government controls health care, it controls everything. It is a system which is controlling businesses and how they manage employees via mandates, insurance coverage, workers' hours, number of employees, etc. It is controlling individuals and their families via premiums, doctor choices, hospital choices, and rationing of care. It comprises 1/6 of the country's economy and is raising the debt even further than the unsustainable figure it is at now.  No small item is the collection of private health information which will also be shared with the IRS.  "Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state"....Vladimir Lenin.

EDUCATION - Common Core, originally offered to states in exchange for needed financial assistance, is the nationalizing of education standards for K-12 students. It is a government-led curriculum which is now viewed by critics as lowering expectations for academic excellence and not at all rigorous (despite claims of raising the bar). Maybe because the purpose is not to create excellence, but to manage education. And, while the curriculum is defined by the federal government, rather than the state and  the local school boards, the data mining on every student will be ongoing. For along with the new standards, comes frequent academic assessments. Personal information gathering about each student and their families will also be done, as well as physiological testing, taking into account behavior, attitudes, persistence, etc. via the use of technological devices such as scans and sensors.  Eventually, the government will have very personal information on every student in the country. It appears now that Common Core will be reaching private schools and home schoolers as well; again, taking away the choice from parents as to how best to educate their own children. 
Joy Pullman, Education Research Fellow at the Heartland Institute stated, “The real goal is social engineering,” Pullmann said, echoing widespread concerns among Common Core critics across the political spectrum. “I don't like to use explosive sorts of things like that, but this is very obvious — the goal is to create a workforce that responds to the needs of the 21st century, as determined by the central planners.”
"Government-controlled schooling is essential to achieving the goals of socialism"...Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto

IMMIGRATION - The President has been talking lately about tackling immigration reform. Already, the Obama administration has chosen not to enforce certain immigration laws already on the books, by directing that ICE not take custody of illegal immigrants arrested by local police, except for the most violent criminals.  The president has also unilaterally implemented portions of the amnesty Dream Act, which Congress had rejected 18 months prior to that. Despite the prohibition against the employment of illegal immigrants, Obama decided that as many as 2 million illegals can stay indefinitely and be given authorization to work here. As he begins to push for comprehensive immigration reform, the impact will be transformational if passed. First of all, legalizing millions of new residents will create pressure on the economy, as government entitlements and social services will be stretched even more. Illegal immigrants tend to be on the low end of the skill spectrum. Having to absorb millions more into the system threatens to weaken this economy further. This could lead to even higher taxes for individuals and businesses. And, we can expect more competition for available jobs for the citizens who are already struggling to find work.

Politically, the GOP stance on low taxes and small government will not attract too many of the millions of new dependents. It is expected there will be 4 million additional voters by 2024 and 17 million by 2036.  If this new voting bloc needs or desires more government services, then the Democrat Party will always have that advantage; the last election was determined by about 4 million votes. Enough said.

Yes, Barack Obama is fundamentally transforming the United States of America. In Part 2 we will explore more ways in which he is fulfilling this promise.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Heroes No, Illegals Yes

For a week now, the WWII and other war memorials in Washington, D.C. have been closed due to the government shutdown. We've seen the veterans, who came from all parts of the country, barricaded from these memorials. To make matters worse, families of fallen soldiers have now been told they would have to foot the bill for transportation and funerals for these soldiers, and that benefits would be temporarily withheld, due to the shutdown.

But today, the national mall in D.C., the very same place which has been closed to the veterans, was wide open to thousands of illegal aliens who held a rally for immigration reform.

So, why shut the park for veterans, but open it for illegal aliens? This move would only outrage a lot of people. So why, then? Why would those in government responsible for who gets in and who stays out of the D.C. mall, poke Americans in the eye like this?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Who And What Is The Tea Party?

They've been called anarchists, arsonists, racists and terrorists by the Democrats. They've been maligned by establishment Republicans. The American media has portrayed them as dangerous.  Even Homeland Security put them on a terror watch list.

A Rasmussen poll of a couple of months ago, revealed that 26% of  those who approve of Obama's performance see the Tea Party as the biggest terror threat to the U.S. And, among those who approve, just 29% see radical Muslims as a bigger threat. For those who strongly approve of Obama's performance, the Tea Party is more feared than radical Muslims.

The birth of the Tea Party movement occurred shortly after President Obama took office. It was early 2009, when it became apparent that the president had no intention of curbing his spending of our money. (At the rate he was spending, he increased the national debt as much as all of the presidents from Washington to Bush, combined, in his first term.) Americans then started rallying and protesting for the government to be fiscally responsible, to adhere to the principles of free markets, and to respect and follow our Constitution.

So, who is the Tea Party? These Americans are you and me; we are not extremists or radicals. We came together from all socioeconomic levels, all ages, all races, united in our desire to scale down a government that had simply become too big. The reach into our wallets became too deep, the intrusion into our lives too great. "Don't Tread on Me" became the motto.

This is what the Tea Party movement is all about. It is not a political party. There is no leader. But it has grown into a vast network of 'small government'-minded patriots who want to restore the best that is America. It is not a violent or a racist group, yet the marginalizing of the Tea Party continues to occur. And working to elect Tea Party candidates, means supporting those who truly believe in upholding the Constitution. For some reason, this is threatening to people. How sad. How ironic. And, how far we have come, when the people who believe in restoring America to the founding principles which made this country great, are viewed so contemptuously.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


WWII vets prohibited from visiting open-air war memorials in D.C.
National parks closed.
Scenic routes barricaded.
Private businesses on park lands told to shut down.
Mount Vernon parking lot blocked.
Florida Bay closed (?) to fishermen.
Etc, etc...

These are just some of the signs of the government shutdown for all to see.  
Warren Meyer, president and owner of Recreation Resource Management, employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across a dozen states.  Meyer has been ordered to close all of his parks due to the government shutdown.  In a letter he wrote to Sen. McCain and Sen. Fluke of AZ, he said, "The point of the shutdown is to close non-essential operations that require Federal money and manpower to stay open. So why is the White House closing private operations that require no government money to keep open and actually pay a percentage of their gate revenues back to the Treasury? We are a tenant of the US Forest Service, and a tenant does not have to close his business just because his landlord goes on a vacation." In this case, not only are these parks not costing the Federal government any money to stay open, the government makes money when they're open. And to add insult to injury, the government is making him and other park management companies buy the barricades to shut their parks. As Meyer put it: "We are like prisoners of war who have to pay for our prison."

What's really happening here?  What's happening is this administration's attempt to inflict pain and inconvenience in a visible way on the American people.  (What good would it be if the government shutdown was invisible?) Our president is punishing us. Why?  So that we will blame Republicans, even though Republicans have consistently stated they want to fund everything except Obamacare. Now, why present it that way? Because Obamacare is an untenable law that will hurt this country in many ways. And, because the Republicans are finally listening to their constituents who have elected them to do what they can to repeal or defund the monstrosity. However, having said that, the Republicans are willing to compromise to stop the shutdown by delaying Obamacare for a year and repealing the medical device tax.

However, this President, who will negotiate with major sponsors of terrorism, Iran and Syria, refuses to negotiate with  Republicans. Never mind that he, himself, has imposed amendments and delays on this law such as exemptions for Congress, big business, etc., delayed the employer mandate, and signed off on many other reforms.

Although there have been many government shutdowns in the past, never has a president so openly revealed such a vengeful streak as this president does. He has no interest in negotiating or compromising with people whom he perceives as the real enemy, aka Republicans.

While an open handshake is extended to terrorist nations, the Republicans are offered a closed fist.