Saturday, November 16, 2013

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt.3

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day, 2008

CLASS WARFARE - This has become a centerpiece of Obama's rhetoric since he started campaigning in 2007. Incorporated into many of his speeches have been attacks on the rich; relentless calls to raise taxes on the 'millionaires and billionaires' (which became his mantra as the target of his reform) and to insist that they 'pay their fair share', to spread the wealth around through punishing new laws (one prime example being Obamacare), demonizing corporations in all industries (while readily accepting their campaign donations), strangling businesses with thousands of new restrictive laws and more taxes and fees, working closely with unions and its interests (in exchange for bringing out the vote). And when the Occupy Wall Street Movement took hold, the theme was anti-wealth, as it brought out resentment against the 1% who make big money. Obama supported this movement even while it was turning violent and lawless. Class warfare has been an important theme for this president.

For nowhere in his lexicon is the acknowledgement that the top 10% of earners pay 70% of all federal taxes. That it's the rich who provide jobs by launching businesses and expanding businesses. That it's the rich who invest money. That it's the rich who buy goods and services. That it's the rich who underwrite charities.
Who could forget the now infamous quotes from the President: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Or, "I do think at a certain point, you've made enough money." Or, "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."  Tenets of capitalism? I think not.

RACIAL DIVISION - Barack Obama's skin color was and still is an asset for him. He was elected   with a very thin resume, no experience in the private sector and very little experience in the public sector. But, Americans felt they were ready for the nation's first black president. And since that day, the 'race card' is drawn consistently. Barely a day goes by when some Republican/Conservative isn't accused of being racist because he/she dares to criticize this president or his policies. While the detractors are judging him by his character, not the color of his skin, the left insists that it's his skin color that's most important, and the cause of the detraction. Forget that the political ideology is far left and very different, and that members of a party are usually at odds politically with the other party. The left sees race everywhere. And that includes the President himself.  Obama plays into it by inserting himself into cases such as the Boston police 'acting stupidly' with the black Harvard professor; or the Trayvon Martin case where 'Trayvon could've been his son'.  This negative racial division has set the tone for the rest of the country, and charges of racism are rampant. Evidence of this can be seen in a recent survey conducted by NBC and Wall St. Journal, in which negative views on race relations has substantially increased; in fact, the numbers have doubled for whites and for blacks since 2009.
The question is, why does he want to divide this country racially, especially when he campaigned on the opposite ideal of a post-racial America?

WAR ON WOMEN - When Sandra Fluke, and her fight to include insurance coverage for contraception at a Jesuit university, made her appearance during the last campaign, it was apparent this was no coincidence.  She was firmly planted in the Democrats' strategy to perpetuate a phony Republican war on women. When out of the blue, Mitt Romney was asked about contraception during a debate, he quizzically asked, "is there a problem with women obtaining contraception?" That was the foreshadowing moment in which this was introduced to the public as an important controversy where none existed. Naturally, Obama inserted himself into this division as well, when he famously called Fluke on the phone to express his support for her speaking out on this matter and used it as an opportunity to slam Rush Limbaugh for some insulting comments he made about her. Fluke, of course, became the face of women during the campaign (as intended) to inform women that the evil Republicans don't want them to have access to birth control.
Equally as foreboding was when the question about equal pay for equal work came up in the presidential debates. Once again, a phony issue as led by the Obama administration who pushed for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was based on faulty statistics about men's vs. women's salaries. And, once again, the hypocrisy was blatant - for all the hysteria about unequal salaries, the White House pays their female employees 18% less than their male counterparts.

POLITICAL DIVISIONS - Although partisan politics has been around since the very origins of political parties, never has it seemed so hostile as when Obama took office.  We know he spoke of uniting these political lines by saying "there is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America", we found out it was merely campaign rhetoric. For since he took office, the hostility towards Republicans has been palpable. And his endless slams on conservative groups such as the Tea Party, by calling them names like terrorists and tea baggers, only served to divide us even more.

So, why all the division? Despite the flowery rhetoric about how we need to be united, about how we should all be purple states, his rhetoric, when he gets down to business, often results in separating us further.  The culture of hostility that this man propagates is beyond the usual politics in Washington. Not in my lifetime has a president gone so far to divide a country in so many ways. What does Barack Obama stand to gain by dividing Americans by race, by gender, by political ideology, and by economic status? He gains a weaker America, one that is besieged by social unrest, class resentment, hatred, and anger towards those who speak and think differently.  Are we witnessing an America that's more hostile than ever from within? I suppose that's part of his fundamental transformation.

Still more ways in which this country is being transformed, coming up in future posts.
I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.


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