Monday, August 4, 2014

Celebrity Lies

Why do we cringe when celebrities voice their political opinions publicly? Aren't they entitled to their opinion just as everyone else is? The answer is yes. But the answer is also no. Yes, they are entitled to voice opinions, no they are not entitled to voice lies. And because they are using their large microphone to spread these lies, it irritates some of us to our core. We cringe because they are voicing uninformed and dishonest opinions. So when Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, as part of a larger group of Spanish film notables, came out in a stinging letter blaming Israel for committing genocide among other atrocities, we must stand up and say NO. NO, you're wrong. NO, you're misinformed. NO, you're not entitled to spread lies about people.

Here are the facts Penny and Javi. You don't mind that I call you by these pet names, do you? (You certainly don't deserve anything more formal than that.) But first, I have a question: quick - can you name any war in which innocent civilians are not killed?  Sane, realistic people know it is an unfortunate byproduct of war. The insane, irrational ones pretend this can be prevented. Of course, they can't tell you how. They can only infer that you're not as compassionate as they are. And then there are the evil ones who relish in civilian casualties, when it means they can exploit the deaths to gain sympathy. Israel belongs to the first group of sane people. Hamas and any other terrorist group belong to the last group. Many fall in the irrational group. Like Cruz and Bardem. You see, Penny and Javi, if Israel was committing genocide, then the Palestinian population would be smaller now than it used to be. But it isn't, it's increased by 30% in the last decade. And how ironic, that the very groups that cry genocide regarding Israel, are the very ones looking to kill all the Jews and wipe Israel off the map. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the very definition of genocide.

Our administration repeatedly states that Israel has the right to defend itself, while in the next breath demands that it eliminate civilian casualties. The simple facts are: 1) No country, no country, does more to limit civilian casualties than Israel does. 2) Israel must deal with an enemy who does not value life and instead, uses the death of their children to wage a propaganda war (note all the photographs from Gaza of bleeding children, etc.) 3) No other country lives up to the standards that are placed on Israel. Does this country?

While we're on the subject...where, Penny and Javi, is your moral outrage at Syria which has murdered over 130,000 of its people in the last few years, or over the jihadists in Iraq who have slaughtered Christians and forced tens of thousands out of the cities? And what about the real genocide still going on in Darfur, where close to half a million people have been killed and many more displaced?

I guess, Penny and Javi, you would rather single out Israel, whose ancestors were actual victims of genocide. Your claims about Israel are unfair. No, they are an outrage. And you can tell this to the other celebrities who share your anti-Israel views - right Roger Waters? Right, Elvis Costello? And to all the others who refuse to perform in Israel or want to strangle their economy through boycotts and all make me sick.

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