Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Questionable Exchange

Barack Obama thinks that all those who oppose his decision to release five very dangerous terrorists from Gitmo, in exchange for one American soldier, who undisputedly deserted his position, opposed this due to partisan politics. His National Security Adviser Susan Rice says Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the army deserter, Muslim convert,  and possible enemy collaborator, served with "honor and distinction." Another administration official said "what if his platoon was long on psychopaths and short on leadership?" after hearing Bergdahl's fellow platoon members debating the swap and the administration painting him as a hero.

Several platoon members spoke out on "The Kelly File" this week, angered by this administration and its characterization of Bergdahl, as well as what they felt was a lopsided trade which will undoubtedly put their country at risk. This is what prompted several of them to break a non-disclosure statement, which they were told to sign five years ago, when Bergdahl first deserted. But, when they saw how this story was shaping up into one of falsity, and when they heard some question their motives and credibility, they ended their silence. They were accused of 'swiftboating' Bergdahl, which has come to imply, to some, that they were merely smearing his character. As the former troop leader to Bergdahl said, he's "not a hero, didn't serve with distinction. He needs to be held accountable and needs to answer for what he did." Additionally, there have been claims that several troops lost their lives in the search for Bergdahl.

Adding to the muddiness of this story, is the fact that Obama made this deal without notifying Congress; another lawless move in a long list of lawless moves by this President. This, of course, only served to throw fuel on the many fires this questionable exchange brought forth.

Bergdahl's fellow platoon mates waited five years to hear why he left them and the army. There are many unanswered questions. But, now that he's back, hopefully the real truth to all of this will emerge.

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