Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bill of Rights Under Attack

Too often there are stories about our civil rights, as expressed in the Bill of Rights and other amendments, coming under attack. This is happening on all levels of government: local, state and federal. Just a few examples:

When the police asked Anthony Mitchell if they could use his family's house to observe their neighbors for a domestic violence investigation, they were refused because Mitchell didn't want to get involved.  So, the police decided to use the house anyway and smashed down his door. They shot Mitchell and his dog with pepperball rounds (equivalent of pepper spray) where they lay on the floor. The ordeal continued with the eventual arrest of Mitchell and his father.  Currently the family is suing for violation of the Third Amendment.

A young couple, unhappy with the treatment their baby was getting at a hospital, took him from there, after being told that he needed open heart surgery asap.  Mistakenly, they took their son, without official discharge, and went straight to another hospital for a second opinion. There they were told he was safe to go home. The next day, the police showed up at their house, ready to break the door down. "I asked them if they had a warrant. Next thing you know I'm basically being pushed, dropped to the ground," he said, recalling that officers handcuffed him, then took away his keys and tried to enter the house. At that point, he said he called his wife from outside and told her to call 911."
The following video shows police letting themselves in without a warrant, and taking the baby.
“I’m going to grab your baby, and don’t resist, and don’t fight me okay?” one officer can be heard telling the mother in the video. “It seems like parents have no rights whatsoever,” Alex said.  Originally from Russia, he said the situation reminds him of a “communist regime.” Clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment
Obamacare mandates that all employers provide coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization. This is in direct conflict with religious liberty as stated in the First Amendment.

A libertarian college student, who it is now known to have pre-planned the stop, was pulled over at a DUI check point in Tennessee.  An officer came up to his car and the young man opened the window just enough to speak to him and hear him.  The officer's intimidation ensued when the driver stated he didn't need to open his window any wider. This young man was well educated on his constitutional rights, and the officers knew that. They pursued their tactics anyway, forced him out of the car and searched it. The driver posted a recorded video of this stop on You Tube, where it proceeded to get millions of hits. Whether this was a 'test' or not on the part of the student, lawyers can debate whether the officer in question was guilty of violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendments

The recent revelations about the Dept. of Justice wiretapping Associated Press and Fox News, and the IRS targeting of individuals and groups with opposing political views, are in clear violation of free speech as found in the First Amendment.

The NSA's widespread and egregious spying on all Americans violates the Fourth Amendment as the federal government intrudes on the privacy rights of innocent people.

The Federal and state governments that legislate gun control must do so without violating the Second Amendment. In Maryland, the sheriff has declared that the new gun control law does violate the Second; it requires people to submit fingerprints to get a handgun license, bans 45 types of guns and limits gun magazines.
In Alabama, the state senate voted to prohibit federal gun control laws from being enforced if they deem that they violate the Second Amendment.

Know your rights and you'll know when you are being deprived of them.

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