Thursday, May 16, 2013

Modern Day Pilgrims

They came to America for religious freedom.  Giving their children an education which taught them about God, the parents were threatened with persecution. They were told they could face prison time and  lose custody of their six children if they violated the law. The law didn't allow for parents to teach their own children as they saw fit. So, they came here, to the sweet land of liberty.

This is the story of the early pilgrims. It is the essence of why this country was founded. True. But it is currently the story of the Romeike family who sought asylum in America because they were not  allowed to homeschool their children in their homeland of Germany.  According to German law, all children must have a public education, but the Romeike family didn't like what was being taught in the schools there. They came here seeking asylum, through the front door, and the request was granted. The parents both worked, paid their taxes and were grateful to be able to educate their children. Until...

Eric Holder and the Justice Dept. got involved and decided to challenge their case; they informed them that they did not have a right to seek asylum. Their case was overturned and they were told they had to go home.  The head of the Homeschooling Legal Defense Association, representing the family, will be appealing the decision, and is willing to take it to the Supreme Court if necessary.

So, while millions of immigrants who came here illegally will probably be granted amnesty, this country apparently has no more room for one family seeking religious freedom. How far we have come.

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