I, too, am one of the angry voters. I am angry at the GOP for allowing Barack Obama to fundamentally transform this country. I am angry that when given the chance to stand up and defund Obamacare, or vote down yet another stimulus package which increases our debt, or secure our border once and for all while they had a majority in Congress, they have opted to take the road that they weren't elected (in massive numbers) to take. They have demonstrated time and time again, they do not have the political courage to do what we asked them to do.
Donald Trump has seized on this anger and run with it. He speaks plainly and boldly and repeats his messages of building a wall, changing trade rules with China and Japan, and bringing manufacturing back to America. He has tapped into the desire for America to be the best again. And what makes it more attractive, he is not a politician.
However....many things have become quite obvious over the past nine months since Donald Trump started running for office. It is obvious his depth of knowledge on most issues is shallow. One need only listen to his answers in a one-on-one interview that exposes a lack of understanding on important topics. Since day one it has become obvious this man is a loose cannon. It is obvious his character is lacking a certain civility we have come to expect from our presidential candidates. He has stumbled over himself too many times to count. His retractions on any given day, for what he said the previous day (sometimes even the same day), have become all too routine. His obsession with himself via the non-stop talking about his winning in the polls, or how great he is, or how much money he's made, has become the great comedy routine we expect from comics who replay their jokes to an eager audience wanting to hear the same bit; only it's not funny. His frenzied tweeting, which mock his opponents, or the wife of an opponent, or hurls insults at various people who oppose him, seems to land him in perpetual hot water. His refusal to apologize to anyone for anything, also demonstrates some psychological disturbances. And yet he continues. His tone at rallies, in which he yells to his supporters and to security to "get him out of here" or to offer to pay legal fees to someone who pummeled a protester, or to throw someone out in the freezing cold without his coat. His constant claims about being treated unfairly by the media which has given him billions of dollars in free air time or his griping about a particular host on Fox when many other hosts on the network have demonstrated their support for him, just rings hollow. He has shown us he is a petulant child, a schoolyard bully who constantly reassures us 'I'll be good, you'll see, I can be very presidential.'
I'm still waiting.
No matter though. I've got my candidate in Ted Cruz who has shown traits quite the opposite to what I've ascribed to Trump. Cruz is a thoughtful, knowledgeable and politically courageous man who understands America's problems and how to fix them. He has repeatedly shown he has the political courage to stand up to Democrats and Republicans alike to do what the voters asked. That is a fact. With Cruz, I don't worry about things that might spit out of his mouth without forethought. I don't worry about any deep psychological problems he might be carrying around. I don't worry that the world will continue to spiral out of control with him at the helm. I don't worry about what his mood might be on a given day which may negatively alter world events. Cruz is a solid, stable person, with whom, whether you agree or disagree, you can count on to listen to the will of the people and do what he promises.
I'm angry too. But I don't have to back Trump to prove it. Cruz will do just fine.
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