Friday, March 6, 2015

Toe The Line, Or Else

Ho hum. Another politician being brought up on charges for corruption. Nothing to see here...or is there?

Maybe this time there is. It involves a senior Democrat Senator from New Jersey. Given President Obama's penchant for silencing his opposition,  Robert Menendez just hasn't been playing by the rules...Obama's rules. As the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez has been outspoken against Obama's foreign policy.

Regarding negotiations with Iran, Menendez has been active in trying to get the White House to impose new and tough sanctions on Tehran to acquire more leverage. The White House, however, sees that as an attempt to undermine a possible deal. Menendez recently made headlines when he accused the White House of getting its talking points on the deal "straight out of Tehran."

Menendez's strong support for Netanyahu's speech also got him on the wrong side of Obama. And, he publicly declared that he takes issue with those who think the visit was "destructive to U.S.-Israeli relations", referring to National Security Adviser Susan Rice's derision of the Prime Minister.

As the son of Cuban immigrants, Menendez is strongly opposed to Obama's efforts at normalizing relations with Cuba. He bluntly stated during a press conference, "I think it stinks. I think it's wrong. I am deeply disappointed in the President." Harsh words for a sitting Democrat in the Senate. Additionally he implied it may be difficult confirming a U. S. Ambassador to Cuba.

So clearly, Obama must be unhappy with Sen. Menendez. Unfortunately for the Senator, he will have the weight of the government bearing down on him soon. Let this serve as a reminder to all...toe the line, or else.

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