There are many things these days which illustrate this 'down is up, up is down' world and one example is, as it turns out, the 'flat-earthers' (as labelled by the Left) are the ones paying attention to the science of global warming, and that the 'alarmists' (as labelled by the Right) are actually the science deniers! Confusing, but here's why.
Did you know that the Earth has not shown any warming since 1997, exactly 219 months, and that time period reflects more than half the 432 month satellite record? Did you know that global warming as predicted by the IPCC has just stopped? Were you one of those who believed the science was settled and any skepticism of global warming was baseless and belonged to the 'flat-earthers'?
How many of you have heard the news that global warming data has been 'adjusted' (again) to show that the earth has warmed much more than the data actually indicates? Once again, scandalous information has emerged to contradict theories of global warming. Does the liberal media tell you any of this or do they choose to ignore it, since it doesn't advance their progressive agenda? This isn't the first scandal to arise on the subject - you may recall in 2009 there were thousands of emails among climate scientists that were leaked, revealing that data was being fudged to support a warming thesis. My blog post of Sept. 2013 addressed that.
Christopher Booker, writing for The Telegraph, claims "one of the most extraordinary scandals of our time has never hit the headlines", referring to information he read about massive tampering with temperatures.
"How have we come to be told that global temperatures have suddenly taken a great leap upwards to their highest level in 1,000 years? In fact, it has been no greater than their upward leaps between 1860 and 1880, and 1910 and 1940, as part of that gradual natural warming since the world emerged from its centuries-long "Little Ice Age" around 200 years ago.
This belief has rested entirely on five official data records. Three of these are based on measurements taken on the Earth's surface, versions of which are then compiled by Giss, by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and by the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit working with the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction, part of the UK Met Office. The other two records are derived from measurements made by satellites, and then compiled by Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) in California and the University of Alambama, Huntsville (UAH)." Walsh, writer for, responds to a reader who insisted that Walsh set science deniers straight. Highly recommended reading if you too are frustrated with the environmental doomsayers.
So, just how does one reconcile the fact that the earth seems to be in a cooling trend and that the hot-air scaremongers like Al Gore and his followers simply cannot point to warming? (Btw, polar bears are not dying out, polar ice caps are not melting, and much more). Well, for one, you re-package it and call it climate change. Now, who can argue with the fact that the climate is changing? That's, after all, what climate does and has been doing since time began.
Seems like global warming-turned-climate change is going the way of global cooling and any other environmentalist's crisis over the past several decades. But don't expect the liberal media to tell you the truth. The science, for them, is settled.
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