The fundamental transformation of the United States of America is nearly complete.
We no longer have a clear delineation between the 3 branches of government.
We have a president who circumvents Congress to create policies via pen and phone.
We have an opposing political party in Congress which refuses to oppose the radical progressive agenda of our president.
We have a Supreme Court which won't adhere to the Constitution, but will play politics.
We no longer have to prove citizenship in order to vote.
We have handed over to the government, control of 1/5 of our economy via healthcare.
We have a federal government becoming more centralized while the states are losing power.
We have driven up the national debt to the highest and most unsustainable level it's ever been.
We are a diminished economic power domestically and around the world.
We have a govt agency, the EPA, which is strangling businesses with massive regulations and fees.
We are demonizing wealth and capitalism.
We have nearly half the population dependent on government entitlements.
We are pushing for social justice, aka wealth redistribution.
We are forcing low income housing into wealthy neighborhoods.
We have rights to freedom of religion and freedom of speech which are under attack.
We have a govt agency, the IRS, which plays politics with conservatives and right-leaning organizations.
We have govt officials who 'lose' their emails to cover up corruption.
We have an imperial president and First Lady who vacation extensively on taxpayer money.
We have very porous borders which allow into our country virtually anyone, including our enemies.
We are offering benefits to illegals that are not afforded our own citizens.
We have a government which will not enforce immigration laws already on the books.
We have an enemy, that will not be named by our president, who chops off heads, crucifies people (including children) and throws homosexuals off of rooftops.
We have, for the first time since its inception, daylight between this country and Israel.
We are a world in trouble, in part, because this country will not stand up against evil.
We are allowing Iran, the world's sponsor of terrorism, to build nuclear weapons.
We are allowing a barbaric jihadi movement to build a caliphate which seeks to dominate the world.
We have allowed associates of terrorist groups to infiltrate our government.
We have a military which has been weakened by new rules of engagement and new PC standards.
We have growing anti-police sentiment which will inevitably lead to nationalizing the police depts.
We have allies who no longer trust us.
We are no longer a moral influence in the world.
We are no longer a society based on Judeo-Christian values.
We have redefined the thousands-year-old institution of marriage, which has been the bedrock of our society.
We are a nation more divided in every way; race, gender, class, ideology.
We have become a nation of victims.
We have changed from a country which valued merit to a country that values diversity and inclusivity.
We have more racial tension now than we have had in decades, despite our having a black president and top govt officials.
We are eliminating gender labels and telling our children that gender doesn't matter.
We have business owners who must shut down because they no longer have the right to exercise their religious conscience.
We have a national educational curriculum which revises our history.
We have a national system in education which collects data on our children.
We are tearing down symbols which represent our history, good or bad.
We have a media which refuses to report on the government's wrongdoing if it doesn't advance their liberal agenda.
We are raising the next generation to be 'global citizens' rather than American citizens.
We have institutions of higher learning which promote diversity of race and nationality, but prohibit diversity of thought.
We are allowing a small population of political agitators to set the agenda for the vast majority of the population.
We have become dangerously politically correct, which impacts on our speech and ultimately on our thoughts.
We have a government which knows no bounds with our privacy and collects data on all citizens.
We have a president who is working to extend power and control outside of the Constitution and onto a new world order.
We have a president who believes the biggest threat to our country is climate change.
We are watching the progressive left build their socialist utopia; from history we know these plans never end well.
What's next? Not much left. Beware the government shutting down conservative media.
And beware the government that will try to disarm its citizenry.
What to do? Stand up, mobilize and don't accept the unacceptable.