Monday, November 24, 2014

Executive Power Gone Awry

Thursday, November 20, 2014 was an important day in this nation's history. It was the day that our President flagrantly violated the balance of power as established in our Constitution. It was the day his usurpation of executive power was on display for all to see, in a blatant act of indifference to the framework of our government, as laid out by the Founders. It was the day he announced that it would be his way or the highway, and that if Congress couldn't agree wholeheartedly with what he wanted in immigration reform, he would do it anyway. It was the day he gave America the middle finger.

While the president talked of compasssion for hard-working people, families who want to be reunited, and parents who want a better life for their children, this was merely an attempt to win over the hearts and minds of the populace.

Did it work? It didn't work for those who know that no one should jump our fence or sneak into our country, and that as a sovereign nation we have borders that should be respected; it didn't work for those who believe that everyone who comes here should abide by our laws and go through the legal pathway to citizenship; it didn't work for those who question where the money will come from for the education and healthcare of these new citizens who will be 'entitled' to these services;  it didn't work for the immigrants who spent thousands of dollars and years of effort to legally become citizens, only to have millions of people cut in front of them on line; it didn't work for those who worry about new and once obsolete diseases in this country, now being re-introduced into our society and presenting health threats to the population; it didn't work for those who are concerned for our national security, knowing that dangerous people can very easily cross over, since nowhere in this plan is the promise of securing our borders; it didn't work for those who know that this is just the beginning, that this is an incremental first step, and that there are millions more ahead to be given this amnesty. But all of this is irrelevant.

Because all of this, had nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with politics. The granting of amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was designed to add Democrats to the voter rolls, and to insure that Democrats will retain power in this country in perpetuity.

However, given all of this, the reason November 20, 2014 will be remembered, is because that was the day our president acted alone to accomplish this.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dems Need the Stupid Voters

Nothing illustrates the Democrats' reliance on uninformed voters quite like the new video clip of Jonathan Gruber, one of the architects of Obamacare, speaking on the subject.  His admission unequivocally states that they deliberately deceived Americans in order to pass the transformative bill. In fact, he admits that "the lack of transparency is a huge political advantage." He went on, "and basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass." These comments were caught on camera at an event from October 2013 and were posted on YouTube by conservative group American Commitment.

This stunning revelation reinforces Nancy Pelosi's comment that "we have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it." The Democrat politicians obviously were aware that what they were about to foist onto the American public was problematic, and would be seen that way if the public were informed of its true content. Let's remember, that every Republican in Congress voted against this bill, and that it was passed with backroom deals and questionable tactics by the Democrats.

Ironically though, since the Republican/Conservative electorate had analyzed the various aspects of this bill over the course of a year and took up opposition to Obamacare, (and actively opposed, as the Tea Party was largely born from its rejection of this massive overhaul of our health care system and subsequent intrusion into our lives), it means that those voters were not too stupid to know. They were informed. Apparently, it was the Democrats' own voters they were fooling, and fool they did.

The arrogance of the progressive Left knows no bounds. And while we already know that this elitism exists by the very intrusive laws and regulations that are passed 'for our own good', it is vindicating to hear from their own lips what we always suspected: they rely on the uninformed voter to support their policies, and they believe the ends justify the means.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Midterm 2014: An Election For the History Books

This midterm election can be seen as an historic election.

Tim Scott, Republican Senator-Elect from South Carolina, is the first black American elected into the Senate from a southern state since Reconstruction.

Mia Love, U.S. Representative-Elect from Utah, is the first Republican black (Haitian) female elected into Congress.

Elise Stefanik, as a 30 yr old Republican, is the youngest woman ever to get elected to Congress and just turned District 21 in New York from blue to red.

These candidates were all supported by the Tea Party. Oh wait, the Tea Party and the Republicans are supposed to be racist and can that be? As Glenn Beck pointed out, no one even realized the historic nature of these candidates until after the election. That is the true mark of a non-racist, non-sexist Republican electorate...the candidates were elected on merit. It wasn't trumped up at all, like the way it was when Nancy Pelosi was facing the prospect of being the first woman Speaker, or the way Obama was going to be the first black president when the media made huge deals of the gender and skin color of these candidates.

Other noteworthy election results:

The Republican gains in the Senate and the House were significant, and they will now control both houses of Congress.

There is now a solid majority of states in the hands of Republican governors and state legislatures.

In Arkansas, Republicans now hold every congressional seat in the state for the first time in 141 years.

Congress will have 100 female members for the first time in history.

Lots of interesting stories coming out of this midterm election, and yet, the liberal media chose not to give attention to some historic wins. Pity, they're still playing identity politics.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Influencing the Election Outcome

The following reports are coming in regarding the upcoming elections across the country:

Some voting machines in Maryland and Illinois were switching votes from Republican to Democrat.

In Arizona, a liberal activist was caught on video stuffing a ballot box with hundreds of ballots.

Reports of thousands of illegal immigrants voting.

Promises of 'no photo ID required' on signs outside of polling places.

Recent data has shown there was massive voter fraud in North Carolina in 2012 - 765 people voted in NC and voted in another state (name, DOB and SS# matched up). As many as 35,000 people matched up with name and DOB but not SS# (that needs further investigation).

In an egregrious attempt to acquire more 'favorable' votes, Colorado has just instituted some very troublesome laws for voting.

1. Every eligible voter is receiving a ballot in the mail (this is done in Oregon and Washington state too). Once they are filled in, they need not be mailed back, they can be walked back. But the precarious element to this, is that one individual can collect the ballots of up to 10 people to deliver. This has spawned ballot harvesting groups, who go around door-to-door, looking to collect ballots. Of course, who will know if that 'harvester' will drop off the ballots they collected?

2. The state has instituted same day registration, which has no photo ID requirement to vote; only signatures are required, however, there are no assurances that the signatures being provided are valid.

3. Every registered voter will get a ballot, whether or not they have voted in many years. There have been reports that voters have received ballots for people who have never lived at that address.

These new election laws have been passed by a Democratically controlled state legislature. Will these new laws make a difference in election results? Certainly in a tight race it can.

For years now, we've heard Democrats complaining that voter ID laws are racist, and that poor minorities can't get access to photo IDs. But the Democrats simply choose to ignore the necessity of requiring legitimate identification of the individual who is about to cast a vote. Without the ID, the vote is open to all kinds of fraud, including impersonation, voting by non-citizens or felons, and multiple registrations in multiple jurisdictions. But to say that minorities can't get photo ID is not only untrue, it is quite condescending to may even say it's racist.

The following are some of the things a photo ID is needed for:
driver's license
union voting
library card
auto insurance
traffic stop
public school entrance
benefits like unemployment insurance
credit card
buying certain OTC medications
boarding a plane
and many more....

As an ironic sidenote, a photo ID was needed at a recent NAACP convention.

These examples are only some of the disturbing trends going on during election cycles. Seriously, who can argue that requiring a valid ID isn't necessary to maintaining the integrity of an important American right? For those who do argue, we must believe it is they who must be looking to influence the outcome.