Sunday, January 19, 2014

No Place For Conservatives

Conservatives have no place in New York. At least that's what New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo says. "Right-to-life, pro-assault weapons, anti-gay — if that's who they are, they have no place in the state of New York because that's not who New Yorkers are."  This, he says, doesn't apply to 'moderate' Republicans...they have a place.

Really? Now Cuomo is the arbiter of who belongs in his state, and who doesn't? The man who was elected to represent all of the people of New York and not just those who agree with him? Hmm. Now I'm confused. The Left is always preaching diversity and tolerance, but silly me. I thought diversity included diverse beliefs and perspectives.  I thought tolerance included tolerating those who think differently from you. I was wrong. Apparently, the Left's version of diversity and tolerance apply only to race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. It even applies to religion (as long as you're not an evangelical Christian, of course). Conservatives do not count. They are to be demonized. They are to be mocked. They are to be discounted for their 'extreme' views.  How dare a person hold an opinion that doesn't meet the standards of the liberal elite.

When Mayor Rahm Emmanuel came out against Chick-Fil-A expanding its franchise in Chicago because its CEO was pro-traditional marriage, Emmanuel said this: “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values. They’re not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. And if you’re gonna be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values.”  So listen up, conservatives...either get with the program and support gay marriage, abortion and gun control, or get out of town.  Now that's tolerance.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt.6

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Barack Obama, 5 days before Election Day, November 2008

FREEDOMS UNPROTECTED? Trampling On The 2nd, 4th, 10th
SECOND AMENDMENT - "... the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

After the Washington Navy Yard shooting, Barack Obama said that tragedies like this "ought to lead to some sort of transformation." After the Newtown shooting, he tried to introduce sweeping new gun control measures, only to be defeated in Congress. Since then, he has directed officials in the administration to take steps that don't require approval from Congress. One of his recent proposals has mental health advocates concerned that people with mental illnesses will not seek care because they fear their conditions will become part of a national database and loss of privacy.

When Secy. of State John Kerry recently signed the Arms Trade Treaty, he reassured Americans that the treaty "recognizes the freedom of both individuals and states, to obtain, possess and use arms for legitimate purposes." As the Heritage Foundation points out, it recognizes that only nations have this freedom. All Americans should be alarmed, they say, because although the Senate didn't ratify it and unlikely will, the State Dept. "can argue that Senate action isn't required to implement the treaty in the United States." Senators Inhofe and Moran write, "our constitutional rights are too important to be entrusted to a dangerous treaty drafted by nations hostile to the ownership of firearms by private citizens."

FOURTH AMENDMENT"the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable search and seizures, shall not be violated..."

It has been well established that this government is collecting all personal data on every citizen in this country; phone records, emails, documents, videos, buddy lists, contact lists, medical records, financial records, political affiliations, and photos. All in the name of security, and yet it's being done without suspicion, without warrant and without probable cause.

If that isn't enough, the government won't leave our kids alone. Although it is unlawful to do so, the federal government is building a national student database of personal information from preschool right on to career. The Dept. of Education decided to ignore Congress' laws to prohibit this, and instead essentially rewrote the laws. This goes back to the stimulus bill, which encouraged states to collect information in exchange for funding. The information being collected is health history, family voting status and family income, which, don't seem to be relevant to the DOE.

Invading our personal space? In the name of energy efficiency, and improved energy security, many states are starting 'smart meter' programs. A smart meter is an energy meter installed in/outside of homes which records a home's energy use and then transmits the data to the energy provider. It is causing a multitude of problems, some of which are health related, such as nausea, rashes, and worse due to the radiofrequency energy it emits. Aside from these medical concerns, privacy is an issue as well. This is the first time there is an attempt to monitor what's going on in the home. Some are concerned that an advanced system would be able to "track a person's movements inside a home by recognizing the appliances they were turning on and off."  Some people have protested the use of smart meters, and have subsequently been arrested. In other incidents, a woman who refused the installation had her power cut off for 7 weeks. Another person watched as a utility worker knocked down his door looking for the smart meter.

The levels of trespassing and privacy invasions are staggering. Our Fourth Amendment is being violated every which way and on a level that is incomprehensible in a free society.

TENTH AMENDMENT - "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The Constitution gives the federal government enumerated powers, limited and specific. It is the 10th Amendment which prevents the federal government from exercising any rights not explicitly given to it. Obama has trampled on this amendment repeatedly throughout his presidency. A few examples: early on, he tried to compel the states to accept stimulus money, which in turn, had to be spent in certain ways. Eleven states fought back and refused the money.

Recently, there has been a confrontation in Utah regarding same-sex marriage. Whereas Utah had banned same-sex marriage, the federal government lifted the ban when a Federal District Judge deemed the ban unconstitutional. Some believe this infringes upon the rights of the state of Utah and uses unwarranted federal power.

When Arizona tried to regulate immigration in its state, the federal government issued a directive to federal authorities to disregard many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants from the Arizona police.

Education, too, is not an enumerated power delegated to the federal government; it is clearly in the hands of state or local governments. Yet, the federal government has inserted itself by way of Common Core, a national curriculum and standards setting as dictated by the feds.

Probably the biggest expansion of the federal government occurred with the passing of Obamacare, representing 1/6th of the nation's economy. States have become mere vehicles with which to enforce the massive law, required to set up health care exchanges.

(For more on violations of the First Amendment, see Blog of  November 11, 2013 - Witnessing the Fundamental Transformation Pt. 2)

It is increasingly evident that Barack Obama is fundamentally transforming this country in many ways. He views the Constitution as "a charter of negative liberties," and clearly regrets that his powers are limited. He continues to trample on our Bill of Rights to achieve his ends.  More ways we are witnessing the fundamental transformation of our country coming up in subsequent posts.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Scandal By the Numbers

One Republican governor finds himself in the midst of a scandal; a scandal for sure, when his aides have deliberately caused mayhem on the roads in retaliation for lack of support from a Democratic mayor in the state.  This Republican governor immediately holds a press conference - he apologizes 20 times, takes 90 questions from the press on it, and puts himself out there for 107 minutes. All the while, denying he knew about this scandal, but firing those responsible for it. Within 24-48 hours there is a U.S. Attorney assigned to investigate this scandal - a Hilary Clinton fundraiser, no less. Of course, this investigation will be fully objective.

It is reported by the Media Research Center, that the 3 major networks gave this story 44 times more coverage in less than 48 hours since it broke, than it gave towards the scandal about the IRS targeting conservative groups in the last 6 months

This Democratic administration has been embroiled in several major scandals over the last couple of years: the Benghazi attack in which 4 Americans were killed, the IRS playing politics with conservatives and their tax exempt status, the DOJ smuggling arms into Mexico, the DOJ wiretapping of the Associated Press and Fox News, and the rollout of Obamacare, from lies and more lies, to policy 'surprises' to failed sign-ups on the website. The response from the President and his administration has included stonewalled investigations, little accountability and zero apologies. In fact, Kathleen Sebelius remains in her position as Secy. of HHS, Lois Lerner quietly retired a few months ago, after being on paid leave, as head of the department which targeted conservatives at the IRS, and Susan Rice got promoted to National Security Adviser after she repeatedly lied about the reason for the consulate attack. Eric Holder continues to enjoy his post as Attorney General of the U.S. no matter what egregious acts he commits. And Hilary Clinton will most likely clinch the nomination for the 2016 presidential election despite her complete lack of accountability and zero transparency over Benghazi.

But don't tell any of this to the 3 major networks...they have more important things to cover. They have one Republican with a traffic scandal.

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Proving Global Warming

What do you call a group of climate scientists traveling to Antarctica to find evidence of global warming?  You call them wrong.

A Russian ship, called the Akademic Shokalskiy, with 52 climate researchers and scientists on board, was on an expedition to "discover and communicate the environmental changes taking place in the south," according to the expedition's leader Chris Turney, professor of climate change. In fact, they expected to see melting ice. But a funny thing happened on the way. They got stuck in ice. A lot of ice. So much so, that the group needed to get rescued from the growing levels of sea ice and blizzard conditions.  And an Australian icebreaker ship couldn't do the job. It tried and failed three times. Finally, the group had to be air rescued by helicopter. But Turney still maintains that the expanded ice is a result of global warming.

According to the Media Research Center which tracks media bias, nearly 98% of the morning and evening network news shows, never mentioned that the mission had anything to do with climate change research. The climate scientists on board were referred to as passengers, or trackers, but no mention of global warming. So, what do you call a media who omits the fact that this expedition that got stranded in deep ice were there to research global warming?  You call them biased.